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WMV will be closed during weeks 32, 33 and 34

WMV industrial non stick and wear resistant anti galling seizing coatings

WMV industrial coatings truly offer a combination of non stick, anti galling, ultimate wear and good (salt water) corrosion resistance in an unprecedented way. Since 1984 WMV developes hard coatings that meet these requirements. Moreover, WMV coatings are hard, pore free, relatively thick, smooth and can guarantee a weld-like bond. WMV coatings are high end coatings and especially fit for harsh conditions.

Non stick coating for industrial applications

Lunac 1, non stick cor-rosion resistant coating

Hard industrial non-stick coating with good corrosion resistance and very smooth surface. Melt flow improvement, anti-black spots, anti-die lines and anti-pollution effect. Mostly applied to plastic and food processing machines.

wear, seizing and galling resistant ceramic like coating for hydraulics

Lunac 2+, wear resistant semi ceramic coating

Unique partly ceramic, partly metallic glass/alloy coating. The combined wear, corrosion, galling and seizing resistance is unparalleled for such hard pore-free coating. Hydraulic rods, axles and heavily loaded machine parts.

Productscorrosion resistant ceramic like coatings for off shore applications

Lunac 2+ duplex high end offshore coating

Probably the most impact and corrosion resistant hard coating nowadays available. Impact loading will usually only deform the coating owing to the ductility and full bond. Complies with the ultimate EPQ corrosion test.

material research materiaalkundig onderzoek

Material and tribological research

Because the WMV laboratory is a part of a company dealing with solving many machine part issues for 33 years, the lab can offer extensive technical support.